20 Feb 2025

The skin around your eyes is not only incredibly delicate, but the muscles are extremely active, moving about 10,000 times a day. This 1-2 combination helps explain why the eyes are often a gateway to surgical facial rejuvenation for many patients. In fact, an upper blepharoplasty is one of the easiest ways to wake up your entire face, making you look and feel more vital and self-confident. In this procedure, I may remove excess skin that can make your eyes appear “hooded” and/or impair your vision. I may also tighten loose muscles, if necessary, in order to lift your upper lid back to a more youthful position. Deciding whether or not upper eyelid surgery may be right for your needs always begins with an in-person consultation.

Upper Blepharoplasty Consultation in Boston

If you are tired of looking tired even after 10 hours of sleep then you may be a candidate for upper eyelid surgery. During your consultation in one of my Boston area offices, I will listen closely to what is bothering you in terms of your face. I will inquire into your medical history, family history, any prior procedures, including injectables, and how your body responded. My goal is to establish your body’s unique baseline of healing. Then, I’ll conduct a physical exam to assess:

  • Amount & location of excess skin in the upper eyelid • Fatty deposits, if any
  • Degree of sagging
  • Vision impairment
  • Muscle strength

Together, we will go over the best procedure to deliver on your goals as well as what you can reasonably expect in terms of recovery.

Upper Eyelid Surgery Procedure

The procedure itself will depend on what, exactly, needs to be done. In general, I will make an incision in the crease of your upper lid where any resultant scar is well hidden. I practice the kind of precise surgical technique that puts as little tension as possible on your tissues. This is what helps to reduce the appearance of an incision line. In patients with excess skin, I will excise the extra skin and remove any pockets of fat if needed. This can often be done in the office under local anesthesia if you prefer. For patients with ptosis or a weakening of the levator muscle, which is the one responsible for lifting and lowering your upper lid, I can typically lift and tighten these through the same external incision in the crease of your upper lid.

Recovery from Upper Eyelid Surgery

After surgery, you may be sent home with your eyes covered in ointment and bandages. I will go over all of this in detail during your initial consultation and separate pre-procedure visit. You can expect some bruising, swelling, and possibly mild discomfort. I will prescribe an appropriate pain medication for the latter. You will be given strict post-op instructions, which, when followed closely, can help ensure that you recover as quickly as your body allows. Everyone’s healing timeline is different. I do ask that all of my blepharoplasty patients keep their heads elevated and apply cold compresses in order to help reduce the swelling. I’ll typically remove the sutures after 5-7 days. It may take several weeks to see your final results, but most patients agree that any wait time is well worth it!

To find out more about an upper blepharoplasty or any other surgical or non-surgical procedure with Dr. Vickram Tandon at the Boston Center for Plastic Surgery, contact us today or call 617-402-2768 to schedule a consultation.

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