21 Sep 2023 | by Leonard Miller, MD, FACS, FRCS

Once the secret weapon of women, today’s cosmetic surgeons are seeing a growing number of men in their office. Just like the ladies, men want to stay looking youthful and refreshed. They are not ready to give in too easily to the wrinkles and drooping skin that come with age.  Many guys are turning to plastic surgery to stay competitive in today’s high-stress job market, while others want to look their best for the dating scene. Plus, the growing number of noninvasive choices, like Botox Cosmetic and soft tissue fillers, give men of all ages an edge without having to reveal they have had any ‘work’ done.

What Men Want:

In the last five years, the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery has seen a staggering 43% increase in male cosmetic surgery. These numbers are not dominated by older men, however. Anyone working in the public eye or a competitive environment knows the advantage of looking fresh and rejuvenated. While individuals 40 and over may consider a blepharoplasty to smooth their eyelids or a facelift to restore tired skin, younger guys are noting the transformative power of a rhinoplasty or chin augmentation, which can give them a push early in their carrier. For men in their late 20s and early 30s, Botox Cosmetic and dermal fillers can provide dramatic benefits before deep facial lines set in, ultimately preventing the signs of aging from appearing.

Even with all the choices in cosmetic procedures available today, men normally stick to their favorites. According to the ASAPS, in 2020, the top five surgical procedures for men were liposuction, rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), the male breast reduction, and the facelift. Botox Cosmetic tops the list of most popular noninvasive treatments for men, followed by hair removal, skin treatments, soft tissue fillers, and body contouring.

Men and Noninvasive Procedures:

Guys are different from their female counterparts when it comes to cosmetic procedures and treatments. A woman knows how to cultivate mystery around her newly-acquired, youthful appearance, yet are generally happy to share their cosmetic surgery finds with their closest girlfriends and family. Although plastic surgery is quickly becoming more mainstream for men, they still tend to be hush-hush about treatments, embarrassed to tell anyone they have had anything done.

For this reason, ‘secret’ treatments like injectibles, such as Botox Cosmetic, Juvederm, and Radiesse are perfect. Men can have the injections over their lunch hour, and get back to their desk without anyone knowing. The neck, one of the first places to show age, can be lifted and tightened using concentrated heat with ThermiTight. With no incisions, no sutures, and no scars, even their closest acquaintances will never find out.

Male Cosmetic Surgery in Boston:

Thinking about a cosmetic procedure? Get started by scheduling a consultation with board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Leonard Miller. With decades of experience, Dr. Miller has performed hundreds of aesthetic procedures on men of all ages. Developing his own, cutting-edge, noninvasive treatments and style, Dr. Miller provides natural-looking results that will last for months to come. Call Boston Center for Plastic Surgery at 617.735.8735 or email [email protected] for additional information.  

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