21 Sep 2023 | by Leonard Miller, MD, FACS, FRCS

Under eye fillers can be an extremely effective procedure to make you look and feel more rested

One of the most common complaints that I hear from both men and women is: “I look so tired”. Upon further questioning, these patients tend to be specifically bothered by dark circles and volume loss under their eyes. This is even more of an issue these days as we are all spending countless hours on apps such as Zoom. While video calls can be a great way to stay in touch with family, friends, and work remotely, viewing your face all day on a computer screen may make imperfections seem enhanced. Under eye fillers can be an extremely effective procedure to make you look and feel more rested, relaxed and rejuvenated.

Benefits of Under Eye Fillers

While there are a number of contributing factors to dark circles under the eyes such as:

  • Loss of volume
  • Genetics
  • Blood vessels
  • Allergies
  • Age
  • Puffiness

Under eye fillers are best for addressing age related dark circles and volume loss. Once you hit your mid-20’s, your body begins to produce less collagen and elastin with each passing birthday. This causes the delicate skin around your eyes to thin which, in turn, can make the blood vessels in your tear trough area more visible. The youthful, plump volume under our eyes also diminishes with age. As your eyelid/cheek junction loses fat, and elongates, the end result, ironically, can be both puffiness and hollowness under the eyes.

The many benefits of under eye fillers include:

  • Restoring lost volume
  • Smoothing out the eyelid/cheek juncture
  • Camouflaging under eye blood vessels
  • Making you look more rested, vital and awake

And when you look as if you have gotten 10 hours of sleep, you will feel more confident and energized to seize the day.

Ideal Candidate for Under Eye Fillers

The ideal candidate for under eye fillers is any man or woman in good overall health who suffers from a loss of volume under their eyes. This manifests as a hollowness, shadow or dark circle that makes you look perpetually tired even when you have gotten plenty of sleep. While fillers under the eyes can be a stand-alone procedure, I will often combine it with another facial rejuvenation procedure such as lasers and/or my unique, off-label Botox® technique. The latter is a fantastic way to improve fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes while also addressing that “crepey” texture that so often develops with age.

Why Restylane® for Dark Circles Under the Eyes?

I typically use Restylane®, a hyaluronic acid (HA) based filler, to treat dark circles under the eyes. HA is a naturally occurring substance in the body so I like HA fillers for this sensitive area as there is less chance of any kind of allergic reaction. Furthermore, if, for any reason, you are unhappy with your results, HA fillers are reversible. The molecules in Restylane®, specifically, are also of a lighter, smaller weight which makes this an ideal filler for treating the tear troughs which require a soft, conservative touch.  

Skill of Injector of Paramount Importance

As mentioned, the skin under your eyes is extremely delicate. This is also an area of the face that can be really challenging to treat. If your injector uses a tad too much filler or places it in the wrong spot, it can throw off your entire facial contour, making you look weird. This is why it is critical to see a really skilled injector. As a Board-Certified Cosmetic Dermatologist, I have years of training and experience in dermal fillers. It is also one of my favorite procedures to perform. I love how transformative properly placed filler can be both aesthetically and emotionally for my patients.

The other reason why it is of paramount importance to see a skilled injector is that the under eye area tends to bruise easily. This is why I always ask my patients to refrain from taking aspirin and Advil for 2 weeks prior to their procedure. I also use a cannula, instead of a needle, for all of my under eye injections as I have found that it both lowers the risk of any post treatment complication and significantly reduces bruising. 

Painless Touch

As someone who hates needles herself, I am adamant about doing everything possible to make my injectable procedures as comfortable as possible. This is why I really take my time and go slow. I like to tell my patients that I have the “touch of an angel”. Not only does my cautious, gentle approach make the experience better for you, but when it comes to under eye circles, it really helps to ensure an exemplary result.

So, if you are tired of your reflection looking tired, make an appointment to come in and speak with me about under eye fillers. It will have you looking forward to that Monday morning Zoom meeting.

To find out more about under eye fillers at the Boston Center for Plastic Surgery, contact us today or call (617) 735- 8735 to schedule a consultation.

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