17 Oct 2024 | by Dr. Sean Doherty

The abdomen is a problem area for so many of my patients, both men and women.
Excess pockets of fat, even mild ones, can have an adverse effect on your body
contour, making you look and feel not your best. Liposuction is my go-to
procedure for addressing extra fat in your mid-section. However, some patients,
particularly women, may also have loose skin in the area due to pregnancy and
hormones, for example. This skin laxity can get exacerbated once we remove the
fat. It’s like a balloon that has lost air. In the past, a patient’s only option for
addressing extra fat and loose skin was a tummy tuck. But now, there is a middle
ground. The combination of liposuction and Renuvion J-Plasma may significantly
improve the appearance of the abdomen in the right patient.

Ideal Patient for Liposuction & Renuvion for the Abdomen in Boston

Here is a universal truth. Any aesthetic procedure is only effective if it is the right
one for your unique anatomy and needs. This is why it’s so imperative to schedule
an in-person consultation. The internet is a fantastic tool for research, but no
treatment is one size fits all. The ideal patient for liposuction with Renuvion to the
abdomen is any man or woman in:

• Good overall health
• Within 10 lbs. of a maintainable goal weight
• Mild to moderate skin laxity
• Pockets of excess fat in the abdominal area
• Mild intra-abdominal fat
• Reasonable expectations

Liposuction with Renuvion is a powerful combination for rejuvenating your
abdomen. It will not, however, tighten moderate to severe skin laxity like a tummy

What is Liposuction & Renuvion?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure in which I strategically remove areas of extra
fat via a hollow tube or cannula. The reason that this procedure is so effective for
body contouring is that it literally allows me to re-sculpt your abdomen. Looking
longer, leaner and more lifted in the mid-section is not just about getting rid of fat.
It is about creating the right hills and valleys so that light and shadow work in your
favor. As mentioned, a potential side effect of liposuction is increased skin laxity.
If you are no longer in your 20’s and/or have gained/lost over the years, chances
are that your skin may have stretched beyond its ability to re-form over your new
body contour. This is where Renuvion J-Plasma comes into play.

Renuvion is a minimally invasive skin tightening procedure that works beneath the
surface of your skin, utilizing cold plasma energy to address the septae or fibrous
bands that run between your skin’s surface and your muscles. Because it is able to
both heat and cool your tissues at the same time, Renuvion J-Plasma can safely
deliver a more robust skin tightening result. Furthermore, the combination of
liposuction and Renuvion is like bread and butter. Each is good on their own, but
together — wow!

To find out more about liposuction with Renuvion J-Plasma, or any other surgical
or non-surgical procedure with Dr. Sean Doherty at his Boston or Brookline office,
contact us today or call (617) 450-0070 to schedule a consultation.

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