21 Sep 2023 | by Leonard Miller, MD, FACS, FRCS

Aging happens to all of us. It is one of the few inevitabilities of life. And though it is actually a gradual process, I can’t tell you how many patients come into my office complaining that his or her “face fell overnight”. One minute, you look like yourself. And the next, your reflection reminds you of your Mother. This is typically the point at which someone begins to consider a surgical facelift. But we’ve all seen photos on social media of celebrities who no longer look like themselves. So, how do you ensure that you obtain a natural looking facelift?

I have been performing the natural looking facelift for my entire career. It is not only one my specialties, but I have long been an early adapter of the cutting-edge techniques that help my patients look like a rejuvenated version of themselves. The best compliment that anyone can pay my work is to not notice it. This makes me uniquely equipped to offer advice on how to obtain a natural looking facelift.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Who Specializes in Facelift

My first recommendation is probably one that you’ve read before — see a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. The reason for this is simple: those of us who are board certified have passed a rigorous test that helps guarantee that we have the training and expertise to deliver exemplary results. It’s basically a short-cut for patients. The American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) have done the work of “vetting” their surgeons.

While this is a great place to start, I would urge you to go one step further and make certain that your potential surgeon is an expert in the facelift procedure. Look at his or her before & after photographs and make sure that this surgeon’s aesthetic lines up with your own. Then, when you call to schedule your facelift consultation, ask:

  1. How many facelift procedures does the surgeon perform a week?
  2. Does he or she practice the SMAS technique?
  3. What non-surgical modalities does he or she use?
View our before & after photos

Manage Your Expectations

One of the most important things that you can do to help ensure that you obtain a natural looking facelift is to manage your expectations. Facial rejuvenation is about turning-back-the-clock, not erasing time altogether. In my natural looking facelift, I employ meticulous techniques to lift the deeper structures of the face, and then re-drape the skin and tissues over this new contour. This what guarantees long-lasting, natural looking results. So, if your goal is to look like a brighter, more energized and youthful looking you then the surgeon can not pull on the skin and erase every wrinkle. This is what delivers a weird, “alien” look. However, it can sometimes be difficult for patients to find that balance between wanting to look natural and wanting to look more youthful. It is the job of the plastic surgeon to guide you through this process, explaining what can and can not be achieved with a natural looking facelift.

Natural Looking Facelift

As discussed, I have been a proponent of the natural looking facelift since the beginning of my career. The reason that I am able to deliver these kinds of results year after year is that I am constantly:

  1. Revising my technique
  2. Embracing new innovations
  3. combining procedures

Any aesthetic procedure must be customized to the anatomy of the patient. This is particularly true with a facelift. While we all age, we don’t all age at the same rate. Lifestyle factors such as sunbathing, smoking, diet and exercise can all affect how rapidly the skin and tissues of the face begin to break down and descend. With all of the fantastic new non-surgical modalities for facial rejuvenation, I have many tools in my tool chest for keeping you looking youthful without an incision. But once “jowling” begins to occur in the lower face, it is time to start thinking about a facelift. However, just because I will be making an incision to lift and remove excess skin does not mean that I abandon my non-surgical tools. One of the keys to a natural looking result is in combining the right techniques for your individual needs.

Combining Your Facelift with Appropriate Non-Surgical Procedures

One of the most common combinations that I utilize is a surgical facelift and filler or fat injections to the mid-face. A facelift does exactly what its name implies: it lifts the skin and tissues of the face. However, the other main component to facial again is volume loss, particularly in the mid-face/cheek area. Fillers such as Voluma are the right way to restore appropriate volume so that your cheeks are in proportion to your new facial structure.

Other non-surgical procedures that I may employ with my natural looking facelift are:

  1. Botox
  2. Profound
  3. MicroNeedling
  4. Lip Augmentation With Fillers

The goal is to deliver a face that is appropriately youthful and which will stand the test of time. To find out more a natural looking facelift with Dr. Leonard Miller at the Boston Center for Facial Rejuvenation, contact us today or call (617) 735- 8735 to schedule a consultation.

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