21 Sep 2023 | by Leonard Miller, MD, FACS, FRCS

It’s a new year, and a new chance to brighten up your skin. The harsh weather of the winter months may not seem ideal for skin care, but this is the time of year when you are least exposed to the sun and may even have a little extra downtime to consider new procedures or treatments. Take advantage of a less intensive sun and more time indoors to give your face a fresh start.

After a long summer, many people notice that they are left with residual pigmentation and brown spots from spending so much time in the sun. The Boston Center for Plastic Surgery offers a wide variety of procedures and products to improve their appearance. Dr. Miller is very experienced with many different types of laser treatments to remove these spots on the face, and will work with you closely to determine which treatment is right for you. IPL, or Intense Pulsed Light, is a type of phototherapy that uses pulses from a broad spectrum of light to even out skin tone. Harmful radiation, like UV rays, is filtered out from the spectrum of light used. It is very similar to other types of laser therapy, but because of the wide spectrum of light used during the procedure, IPL can be used to treat many different skin conditions, including discoloration from the sun. The Excel V Laser is another laser treatment that reduces sunspots and general redness. For maximum comfort during the procedure, Excel V uses the latest cooling technologies before, during, and after treatment. Chemical peels, which produce newer and smoother skin after treatment, are also effective to decrease the appearance of sun damage. We also offer the Pearl Laser Peel, which is a popular technique used to rejuvenate your skin. The Pearl Laser uses heat to eliminate any residual pigmentation from the sun, and then stimulates collagen growth beneath the surface of the skin to give you a new and fresh face to match the New Year.

The Boston Center for Plastic Surgery offers the Pearl fractional laser procedure, which can be used to correct pigmentation, wrinkles and rough skin texture. The Pearl will require a week of downtime. Clear + Brilliant Fraxel is a milder, less invasive laser treatment, which will correct fine lines and textural problems but with overnight downtime.

Everyone knows that one of the main challenges of winter is managing dry skin. Avoid irritating and uncomfortable dried out skin with the exciting new moisturizing oils and serums from Zo Obaji and Anthos. Dr. Miller will work with each of his patients to determine which moisturizer will work best for you and your skin to keep your face fresh and beautiful all year long. Read more about our carefully curated skin care products here.

It’s New Year’s resolution time, so resolve to rejuvenate your mind and your body at the Boston Center for Plastic Surgery. While the sun most often damages your facial skin, don’t forget about the rest of your body and try CoolSculpting by Zeltiq and radiofrequency skin tightening with ThermiSmooth before swimsuit season! Take advantage of this time away from the sun to focus on rejuvenating your body.

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