13 Dec 2024 | by Dr. Sean Doherty

The breasts are a vital component of any woman’s sense of self. Whether or not you are a mother, your breasts are one of your power centers. They can literally sustain life. They also occupy a large piece of real estate on your torso. So, if they are too small, too big or misshapen, it can really mar the appearance of your entire body. Furthermore, most women who come in to see me to discuss their breasts talk about how self-conscious or uncomfortable they feel in their skin. It’s one of the reasons why I love performing all aspects of breast surgery as it can have such a profoundly positive effect on how you look and feel. The key to producing the exemplary outcome that we both want is devising the right treatment plan for your individual anatomy and goals. While I have a lot of tools in my arsenal, fat grafting is becoming a game-changer for its ability to truly improve breast surgery results.

What is Fat Grafting to the Breast?

Fat grafting is a surgical procedure in which excess fat is removed from an area
where you may have too much such as the:

• Abdomen
• Flanks
• Hips
• Outer thighs

The fat is removed via liposuction, processed and then placed into an area where
you need more volume. For this discussion, that area is your breasts. It’s a “hot”
procedure with a long history that began in the late 19th century. However, it
wasn’t until the 1990’s that standardized techniques were established that allow us
to get safe, more predictable results.

Benefits of Fat Grafting to the Breast in Boston

The primary goal of any successful breast surgery is to improve the shape of your
breasts so that they are in proportion to the rest of your body. While increased
volume with a breast implant still gets the lion’s share of media attention, this is
just one of many breast surgery procedures such as:

• Breast Augmentation
• Mastopexy or Breast Lift
• Mastopexy Augmentation
• Breast Reduction
• Implant Revision or Removal

The right option for you is going to depend on your anatomy and needs. Regardless
of your chosen breast surgery, I will often add fat grating to your treatment plan as
it allows me to precisely sculpt the shape of your breasts. With a very fit breast
augmentation patient, for example, I may use fat grafting to help camouflage the
edges of an implant that might otherwise be visible in someone with such low body
fat. It’s also a lovely tool for improving:

• Breast asymmetry
• Irregularities from a previous surgery
• Tuberous breasts

Breast Augmentation with Fat

Generally, fat grafting to the breasts is an addendum procedure to breast surgery
for me. However, there are some patients who want more breast volume, but are
adverse to the idea of an implant. A stand-alone breast augmentation with fat is
possible. There are some things to keep in mind, however. The amount of increase
that you can get with fat alone is only going to be about 1 cup size, and you need to
have true areas of excess fat, not just skin, from which we can harvest the fat. We
can discuss if this is an option for you after I examine you in-person during your
initial consultation. Also, a breast augmentation with fat grafting is not a one-anddone procedure like one with implants as not all of the injected fat will “take”.
Typically, your final results will require 2-3 sessions, spaced about 3-6 months

To find out more about fat grafting to the breast, or any other surgical or nonsurgical procedure with Dr. Sean Doherty at his Boston or Brookline office,
contact us today or call (617) 450-0070 to schedule a consultation.

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