18 Mar 2024 | by Vickram Tandon, MD

Improving the appearance of your breasts can be a fantastic way to rejuvenate your body. When your breasts are the right size and shape, it helps to create a sense of harmony throughout the entire torso. This may make your waist look more toned and your abdomen appear longer and leaner. In addition to these aesthetic benefits, properly performed breast surgery can make you feel more confident, youthful and energized. But many patients are confused as to which procedure they need — breast augmentation or breast lift? The right choice is going to depend on your unique anatomy and needs. This is why it’s critical to book an in-person consultation.

Breast Augmentation in Boston

While the internet has become a great resource for patient education, it is an addendum to, not a replacement for, an in-person exam. During your initial breast surgery consultation, I will listen attentively to what bothers you about your body and conduct a thorough physical exam, taking exact measurements, to assess:

  • Native breast volume
  • Degree of sagging skin, if any
  • Breast skin tone & texture
  • Position of nipple in relation to the inframammary fold

A breast augmentation with either silicone gel or saline implants is the right procedure for increasing and/or restoring volume to your breasts. The goal is to create breasts that are the ideal size and shape for your anatomy, restoring proper proportion to your torso that may have been lost due to:

  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding
  • Menopause
  • Age
  • Weight gain/loss

Many patients, however, think that a breast augmentation can do it all, but it can not lift moderate to severe sagging in your skin and tissues. This is the job of a breast lift.

Benefits of a Breast Lift

One of the easiest ways to ascertain whether a breast lift is right for your needs is to look at the position of your nipples in relation to the inframammary fold. If your nipples rest level to or below this crease, you are probably a candidate for a breast lift. The benefits of this procedure are many. This is a procedure that allows me to truly re-sculpt your breasts. Lifting your breasts back to a higher point on your chest wall will lengthen the appearance of your whole torso, making you look longer and leaner. It’s also more comfortable to have breasts that are higher and tighter against the chest as it can help to reduce both neck and back pain. Furthermore, creating “perky” breasts restores a sense of youthful vitality, making patients feel more energized and confident. For patients with adequate volume, a breast lift can be an excellent standalone procedure. Some women, however, need extra volume in addition to a lift. Fat grafting can be a nice option to improve shape and increase volume, especially in the upper pole. Or if you require a more significant augmentation, a mastopexy augmentation is a procedure in which I combine a breast lift with an appropriately sized implant. It requires slightly more time for recovery than a breast augmentation or breast lift alone, but it may also address all your needs in a single procedure.

To find out more about a breast augmentation, breast lift or any other surgical or non-surgical procedure with Dr. Vickram Tandon at the Boston Center for Plastic Surgery, contact us today or call 617-402-2768 to schedule a consultation.

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