26 Apr 2024 | by Sean Doherty, MD, FACS

A breast augmentation continues to be one of the most popular aesthetic surgeries in the world with about 300,000 procedures performed annually in the US alone. It also happens to be one of my areas of expertise. I appreciate that it’s a safe, typically straightforward procedure that gives you a lot of bang for your buck. Increasing volume with an appropriately sized implant specifically chosen for your anatomy and needs allows me to rejuvenate your entire torso. In general, I use a round, silicone gel breast implant as I’ve found it to deliver the best aesthetic result. Some patients, however, want to know: “Are Silicone Implants Safe?”. Yes, and here is why.

Silicone Gel Implants Are Safe

Silicone gel implants are one of the most studied medical devices in the world. Their safety has been proven time and again. Since the early 1990’s, manufacturers have greatly improved the strength of the shell that surrounds the silicone fill. Today, the rupture rate of silicone implants is actually lower than with saline. Furthermore, the risk of developing a complication such as capsular contracture, which is a hardening of the capsule tissue that naturally surrounds your implant, is not affected by the type of implant that you choose. The only downside with a silicone implant is that if you do develop a leak, you will not know it immediately. However, I encourage all of my breast surgery patients to see me annually and to have an MRI 5 years after the implants are placed and then every 2-3 years after that. This FDA recommended MRI follow-up plan allows patients to know if there is a rupture. It is the best way to monitor your health and the health of your implants. I also like to remind patients that a breast implant is not a lifetime device. Generally, they will need to be replaced every 12-15 years.

Benefits of Silicone Implants vs. Saline Implants in Boston

The primary reason that I prefer to place a silicone breast implant is that I find it to deliver the best aesthetic result. Silicone gel looks and feels more natural than saline. Since my goal with any aesthetic procedure is to rejuvenate and restore your body to its proper proportion, I love the fact that silicone implants seem like an integral part of your body. Personally, I don’t want anyone to know that you had something “done” unless you decide to tell them. The key, of course, is choosing the appropriately sized implant for your anatomy and desired outcome. I am not someone who places overly large implants as they tend to result in unwanted complications.
 I also like the fact that there is less of chance of “rippling” and palpability with silicone gel implants. This is when wrinkles on the surface of the implant are visible in certain positions such as lying down. It can be a real problem with thinner patients and/or women who are extremely fit.

So, if you are thinking about a breast augmentation, schedule an appointment to come in so that I can assess you in person, and we can discuss the best options for you. To find out more about a breast augmentation, or any other surgical or nonsurgical procedure with Dr. Sean Doherty at Boston Center for Plastic Surgery, contact us today or call (617) 402-2768 to schedule a consultation.

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