11 Apr 2024 | by Dr. Vickram Tandon, MD

A tummy tuck is one of the most popular aesthetic procedures in this country with over 130,000 performed in the last year alone. The reason is two fold. First, unhappiness with the appearance of the abdomen is incredibly common, particularly among women. Pregnancy, breastfeeding and hormonal changes such as menopause can all have an adverse affect on the skin and tissues of your midsection. Second, a tummy tuck is the gold standard for re-contouring this region as it can address all of the underlying issues that can lead to dissatisfaction in one procedure. Here are 3 benefits of a tummy tuck.

Tighten and Remove Loose Skin with a Tummy Tuck in Boston

A common misperception about aging is that it is exclusive to the face. It’s not. In fact, the skin and tissues everywhere on your body begin to lose collagen and elastin with every passing birthday starting around 25. Collagen acts like a support beam for your skin while elastin is what allows it to “bounce back” after you bend or scowl.

Certain lifestyle choices such as:

• Smoking
• Exposure to environmental factors like pollution
• Diet
• Hydration

These may accelerate the process, but bottom line, your skin weakens with time. This fact may also be exacerbated by weight gain/loss due to pregnancy, for example. The end result is loose, sagging skin. One of the biggest benefits of a tummy tuck is that it allows me to lift the tissues of your abdominal region back to their proper place, removing any excess skin in order to create the long, smooth contour that the human eye associates with youth.

Remove Fat with an Abdominoplasty

The second benefit of a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is that I can remove pockets of extra fat via liposuction. Surgical liposuction gives me the precision to literally re-sculpt your mid-section. This is critical as a great result is not just about removing all of the fat. It is about reducing fat in exactly the right spots in order to mold your torso into its ideal proportion. I will typically address the flanks and back as well as all of these components work synergistically.

Repair and Tighten Weakened Muscles

Last, a tummy tuck enables me to lift, repair and tighten any weak, torn or damaged muscles. Many mothers, especially those with multiple children, suffer from:
• Loose abdominal muscles
• Diastasis Recti

The latter is when the two sides of your “six pack” tear along the vertical line, often resulting in a visible bulge that does not disappear regardless of how many crunches you perform. My tummy tuck patients find the procedure to be worth the recovery as its 360° approach means that we can do it all — lift the sagging, weak skin and muscles, repair diastasis if needed and remove pockets of extra fat in one truly rejuvenating procedure.
To find out more about a tummy tuck or any other surgical or non-surgical procedure with Dr. Vickram Tandon at the Boston Center for Plastic Surgery, contact us today or call 617-402-2768 to schedule a consultation.

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