12 Apr 2024 | by Akshay Sanan, MD, FACS

Facial aging is inevitable. Certain lifestyle choices such as how much time you spend in the sun,
diet and exposure to pollutants may speed up the process, but by your early 40’s, most of us
are going to notice some loose skin in the lower portion of the face. In fact, "jowling" is one of
the main reasons why a patient comes in to see me to discuss facial rejuvenation. While there
are many excellent non-surgical modalities to improve skin tone and texture, a surgical facelift is
the gold standard for addressing skin laxity. However, not all facelift procedures are created
equal. I practice the most advanced technique, the deep plane facelift, as I have found it to
deliver a superior result. Addressing both the lower face and the neck, here are the three
benefits of a deep plane facelift.

Deep Plane Facelift = Elegant Rejuvenation

As a double Board-Certified facial plastic, and head and neck surgeon, I stay up-to-date on the
latest advancements and techniques as I am passionate about delivering safe, natural
rejuvenation for my patients. The deep plane facelift, as the name implies, allows me to work on
the deeper tissues of your face. By lifting and tightening the skin and the SMAS together, I can

  • Sagging, loose skin in the face and neck
  • Underlying connective tissue & fascia
  • Muscle laxity

Since the tissues of the face and neck age simultaneously, a deep plane facelift is typically
combined with a deep plane neck lift.

Most Natural Looking Facelift Result in Boston

Seamless rejuvenation is the point of any aesthetic procedure, but I always want the result to be
completely natural looking. My goal is for people to tell you that you look great, not to ask “Did
you have something done?”. In the past, one of the downsides of a facelift is that it could leave
the face looking “pulled”. This is because the older techniques only addressed the surface skin
and tissues. With a deep plane facelift, I lift the skin and the underlying muscle as a unit so
there is no over-pulling of the surface. Furthermore, this technique allows me to sculpt and
drape your facial skin and tissues into their ideal vector, restoring a more youthful looking
countenance that is still completely “you”.

Deep Plane Facelift Delivers a Long-Lasting Result

The other huge benefit of the deep plane facelift is that it will deliver the longest lasting result as
we are rejuvenating all of the layers of skin, connective tissue and muscle that make up your face.
This is an important consideration when choosing between non-surgical procedures that
require up-keep and a surgical facelift. The latter carries a bigger price tag, but the end result
lasts longer so any cost must be amortized over time. These are all things that we will discuss in
detail during your initial consultation. I want you educated with all of the facts so that you can
make the best decision for your anatomy, needs and lifestyle.

To find out more about a deep plane facelift, or any other surgical or non-surgical procedure with
Dr. Akshay Sanan at the Boston Center for Plastic Surgery, contact us today or call (617) 402-
2768 to schedule a consultation.

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